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Where To Begin

Go to a meeting: The best way to learn more is attend a meeting. Medina County has over 50 meetings. Every day of the year, morning, afternoon and evenings there is help in the form of meetings for you and for every alcoholic who wants help.

About The AA Fellowship - Watch This Video

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Visit a meeting to learn more. If at some point you choose to declare you are an alcoholic, you become a member of AA.

AA Membership

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Visit a meeting to learn more. If at some point you choose to declare you are an alcoholic, you become a member of AA.

Get Help Now

In need of immediate recovery support like detox or treatment? Call or text the Hope Recovery Community Peer Link Team at

Hope Recovery Community (HRC) is a recovery community organization (RCO). An RCO is an independent, non-profit organization led and governed by the recovery community professionals.

Alcoholic Anonymous is not affiliated with outside organizations. However, we are grateful the HRC provides this free 7 x 24 Medina community service for emergency situations.